Apostol, Tom M.
Calculus / multi -variavle calculus and linear algebra, with application to defferential equations and probability / Tom M Apostol. - 2nd ed. - Calcutta : Wiley eastern ltd, c 1980. - Vols. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes Index.
V. 2-- ;
339 339
0 85226 029 6
517 / A46c
Calculus / multi -variavle calculus and linear algebra, with application to defferential equations and probability / Tom M Apostol. - 2nd ed. - Calcutta : Wiley eastern ltd, c 1980. - Vols. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Includes Index.
V. 2-- ;
339 339
0 85226 029 6
517 / A46c